Thursday, August 20, 2009

Setting off towards Hong Kong

Well, here we are with the first post, and a not too exciting first day. We did not land in Hong Kong as expected because we had our first flight delayed 4 hrs in the Columbus airport, and then when we landed in Chicago we had already missed our flight and were stuck there until the next day. We ended up staying at our friend Ryan's place and went out to 'Peace' for some pizza and local beer.

The following day we arrived at the airport a little more grateful as we had been upgraded to exit row seats after a little disgraceful flirting and were far more comfortable on the 15 hr flight than we would have been the day before. We had a couple Tsingtao's on the flight over (you get free alcohol on international flights) and tried to sleep, but were very unsuccessful and instead got distracted by the terrible movies they played on the flight. Finally touching down in Hong Kong we were not very surprised by the fact that our luggage was lost, so we left and met up with family of a friend who is living in Hong Kong.

Taking the bus from the airport to our house for the night was an amazing introduction to the city with high rises and then jungle on all sides, with little fishing villages tucked away and cars and trucks weaving in between traffic. We arrived in Sha Tin and cut through the mall to a small grocery where we picked up some food for dinner. We carried it and our luggage up a weaving little back hill where there were 4 dogs to every fenced in ramshackle house before arriving at our place and meeting our own dogs that lived at the house. Gigi and Jenny, two extremely friendly dogs that have a hard time letting us leave the property because they tend to follow us out holes in the fences and then down the street to the metro. All in all a great first night.


  1. Man, I didn't even need to go with you guys..this first post made me feel like I was there with you the whole way! Nice run-on sentences Mark!!! :)

  2. Off on the great adventure. Great blog, pics. First day = wild dogs, jungle, free beer, bad movies...what more could two guys want?? Have fun, keep up the great posts!

  3. can you guys skip to the part where you get kicked out of asia already??? christ!!!

  4. i at least want to see a picture of mark with a missing hand for doing something awesome
